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Network Utilities


Harrison & Troxell, Inc.

InterNavigator is a tool for navigating the Internet. Its purposes are,first, to assist the user in locating Internet resources and second, toassist the user in exploiting located resources to maximum benefit. A"generic" database delivered with the product includes access to 43campus-wide information systems, 138 libraries, over 60 databases, and1,200 listservers, to which the user may add additional resources. Eachresource is a "menu item" that may be either an auto login, text display,script execution, or a submenu. Local item authoring, including scriptingto any depth on a remote host, may be accomplished by a non-programmer.Tested, reliable Internet connections are maintained by H&T on each usersite over the Internet itself. Both the software and the database aresupported under maintenance agreement.

Language: Recital 4GL
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0

Harrison & Troxell, Inc.
7 Harvard Sq
Brookline, MA 02146
Phone: (617) 278-1444
Fax: (617) 731-1492